On Friday six-year-old Elmer Diaz visited First Selectman Fred Camillo’s office where he was named honorary First Selectman for the day and received a Certificate of Special Recognition.
But it was the dinosaurs and firefighter play set that brought the biggest smile to Elmer’s face.
Elmer was accompanied by his mother Maria Jose Felipe, who was moved to tears by the event.
She was presented a check for $5,000 from Joe Lockwood and Tina Pray who explained the funds came from her family foundation, the Russell Maguire Foundation.
Initially a social worker from the hospital where Elmer receives treatment contacted Greenwich Police about Elmer. Police in turn reached out to Camillo.
On Friday the gathering included Greenwich Police Officer Suiyan Su Ah Sor who was on hand to translate.
The tears spoke for themselves.
Elmer was diagnosed with an inoperable cancerous brain tumor in August.
“On behalf of my family foundation, I’d like to present you with this check that I hope will help you and your son very much in getting him better,” Pray said to Ms Diaz, adding, “I hope it makes life a little easier for you. From my family to yours.”
The outpouring of support went beyond the generous donation from the Russell Maguire Foundation.
Additional donations came from Rob Morris, Joe Kaliko and Amy’s Angels, an organization based in Simsbury that assists individuals and their families experiencing debilitating illness or injury. The toys came by way of an RTM member in district 8.
“I’m very happy that the community has been so helpful and very supportive through the difficult times we’re going through,” said Elmer’s mom Maria. “Thank you so much for everything that everyone has helped us with.”