The Undies Project is a unique nonprofit, based in Connecticut, whose mission is to provide new underwear to men, women and children in need to improve their lives.
They donate to several organizations in Greenwich area and the surrounding areas – Barbara’s House, the Department of Human Services, Kids In Crisis, Neighbor to Neighbor, the YWCA Domestic Abuse Services – and many other organizations in the Tri-State area who serve those who are homeless, living in shelters or who are on a low income.
Since its inception, The Undies Project has donated over 525,000 undergarments to those in need.
They invite you to experience an out-of-the-ordinary show, like none other you have ever experienced, with dynamic duo Larry & Raven on Saturday, October 21 to raise money to help The Undies Project continue to fulfill its mission.
The event will take place at St. Catherine of Siena Church, 4 Riverside Ave, Riverside CT 06878, starting with a cocktail hour at 7:00pm. The event runs until 10:00pm.
Larry & Raven are not easy to define. They’re magical. But they’re not exactly magicians.
They’re fun and funny. But they’re not exactly comedians. They excel in the art of illusions.
They will make you question everything you know and have you scratching your head
wondering “How?!” You must see this to believe it!
Enjoy passed hors d’oeuvres and desserts by Aux Délices, complimentary wine and beer with a signature drink created especially for the event, fabulous silent auction, and of course, extraordinary entertainment.
MC Billy Blanks Jr. will add an additional distinctive flair to the event.
Tickets can be purchased at
Silent auction goes live October 13.
The event is sponsored by Amwins Brokerage, Aux Délices, the Greenwich Sentinel and Val’s Putnam Wines.