Talking Transportation

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TALKING TRANSPORTATION: Vehicle Miles Tax Trial is Under Way in CT

Full disclosure: I’m one of those who signed up and so far the test has run seamlessly while providing me with great metrics on how many miles I’ve driven, how much CT gasoline tax I’ve paid and what the pricing might have been under a Vehicle Miles Tax. Turns out my hybrid Toyota Prius would pay less under a VMT plan than pay a gas tax. The trial runs through October. – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →

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TALKING TRANSPORTATION: Building Great (And Really Expensive) Things

During construction of Grand Central Maison, 200 of the 900 construction workers digging the huge tunnels were being paid $1000 a day but effectively doing nothing. This was discovered in 2010 and the excess workers were laid off, but the incident was not reported to the public which is paying for the project. – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →

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“Staff shortages for on-board personnel mean that Café Cars may not be in service or sleeping cars can’t be used, despite demand. That means fares will remain high. Like Uber, Amtrak operates on a “surge pricing” model: the higher the demand, the higher the fares. At last check, one-way from NY to Boston on the days before and after Thanksgiving was $309… in coach!” – Jim Cameron Continue Reading →

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