Have you missed the smell of cotton candy, the chills from Zero Gravity, and the competition of whack-a-mole? Do not fear. On Friday April 29, 2022 carnival lovers will be able to join the North Mianus School community as we celebrate the 74th annual Pow Wow.

After a two year hiatus, the Pow Wow Fundraiser will return as the first carnival of the season. As an added bonus, the carnival will run for three days for the first time in history.
The ever-popular Stuart Amusements and over 300 NMS volunteers will come together to provide the community with three fun-filled days featuring rides, games, music, and plenty of other entertainment.
Hungry carnival goers will enjoy many options including a bake sale, grab and go sandwiches and salads, as well as food trucks from Eishumari Noodles, Chicken Joe’s and Wendy’s Weenies.
To top off the excitement of the Pow Wow, NMS will host its second online raffle! Grand prizes include a $2000 Amazon Gift Card, $1000 Nordstrom Gift Card, Space Gray iPad Pro, and a bike from Bax Cycles.

Click here to check out the prizes and buy your tickets online for the April 30 drawing.
Friday, April 29, from 4:00-10:00pm
Saturday, April 30, from 12:00-10:00pm
Sunday, May 1, from 12:00 noon to 5:00pm
North Mianus School, 309 Palmer Hill Rd, Riverside, CT 06878
LINK FOR RAFFLE: https://rafflecreator.com/pages/58960/north-mianus-pow-wow-raffle