In a “first read” of proposed 2022 fee changes from the Parks & Rec Dept, director Joe Siciliano said that following the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Parks & Rec tried to minimize fee increases.
The fees that were increased reflected minimum wage increases, BET budget guidelines, market value comparisons and operational demands.
The good news is there is no proposed increase to a single entry park pass or annual park passes.
The complete list of fee changes is posted on the Town’s website.
Kamp Kairphree, Greenwich Adventurers, and the Music, Art & Dance Camp will increase $10 to $15 per session for residents, and $40 to $50 per session for non residences.
Admission to skate at Hamill Rink for ages 5-15 will go up a dollar from $7.00 to $8.00. Ice rentals will increase from from $475 to $485 per hour and from $450 to $460 per hour for groups renting at least 10 hours during the season. Scoreboard fee increases $25 to $30 per game.
At The Griff, the town owned golf course, greens fees will increase from $1.00 to $2.00. Siciliano said it had been about three years since fees had been increased at the town golf course, The Griff.
Boat wharfage fees will increase $25 at Byram, Cos Cob and Grass Island. For example, a 30 ft finger slip at Grass island will increase from $2,850 to $2,875.
Beach Passes
Park pass fees remain steady for 2022 as follows:
Single Entry Park Pass non card holders age 5-64: $9.00
Parking Single Entry Pass non card holder private passenger vehicle: $40.00
Annual Park pass adults 16-64, Early bird $35.00
Annual Park pass adults after 4/15/22: $40.00
Annual Park pass children 5-15: $10.00
Child accompaniment fee: $40.00
Parking Permit for Greenwich registered vehicle – No charge
Parking Permit for resident with a non-Greenwich registered vehicle $175.00
Rental of Clambake area at Tod’s Point to increase from $275 to $300.
2022 Provisional Beach Policy:
During the period from May 1, 2022 through October 31, 2022 the following will be required to enter the park BETWEEN the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm:
– Visitors entering the park will be required to show a current Resident Seasonal Park pass or submit a Single Entry Park pass.
– Greenwich registered vehicles entering the park (in addition to the visitor passes) must show a current Resident Seasonal Park pass, or submit a Single Entry Parking pass.
– Non-Greenwich registered vehicles (in addition to the visitor passes) must have a Single Entry Parking pass, or a current Resident Seasonal Park pass and a Resident Vehicle permit.
To enter the park between May 1, 2022 through October 31, 2022 BEFORE 7:00am and after 5:00pm:
– Visitors entering the park will not be required to show any form of park pass.
– Greenwich registered vehicles entering the park must show a current Resident Seasonal Park pass, or submit a Single Entry Parking pass.
– Non-Greenwich registered vehicles must have a Single Entry Parking pass, or a Current Resident Seasonal Park pass and a Resident Vehicle permit.
During the period from November 1 through April 30, no passes will be required to enter Greenwich Point Park or Byram Park.
A vote on the fees is scheduled for the Selectmen’s Jan 13, 2022 meeting, giving the Selectmen and community time to review and ask questions.
Questions on the fees can be directed to Blaize Levitan at [email protected]