On Thursday night Greenwich Schools released a statement on impacts of the new school start times and dismissal times. They will continue to release updates every two weeks until at least January.
The District continues to monitor and study data and information with regard to the impact of changing school start times.
The district is implementing both immediate short-term solutions and planning long-term solutions.
Surveys – Stakeholder survey data will be reviewed and considered as part of a review of data collected to assess the impacts of changing school start times.
- GHS Student Survey: The second administration of the High School Student Sleep Survey was conducted today (10/26). The baseline survey was administered last spring (2017), and the survey is scheduled to be administered again in spring 2018.
- PK-12 Parent Survey: A parent survey will be distributed the week of November 27 by Hanover Research.
- PK-12 Staff Survey: A staff survey will be distributed the week of November 27 by Hanover Research.
Traffic Studies – The Department of Public Works’ Highway & Traffic Division (Traffic) reports that they have made several timing changes to the entire Cos Cob zone from Hillside Road to the Mianus River.
Traffic field staff have been monitoring on site, and office staff have been monitoring the camera system.
Traffic staff worked throughout September and October to make as many changes and tweaks to the timing as possible.
“There comes a point, however, where there is nothing left to tweak, and demand just completely outpaces capacity,” the statement said, adding that traffic staff has managed to narrow down the heaviest traffic to a 20 minute period between 8:00 a.m. and 8:20 a.m., while keeping the rest of the zone moving.
The update from Kim Eves said, “the signal at Hillside does not exist in its own bubble.” She said the change in school start times has also affected traffic at the adjacent intersections of Indian Field Rd, Strickland Rd, Sinawoy Rd, and Orchard St, and it is not possible to change one signal without impacting other intersections. “They have been optimized to their fullest extent,” the statement said.
Greenwich buses are logging an 86% on time performance rating in the morning. Specifically that means that 86% of buses are arriving at least 15 minutes before the AM bell. No buses reported arrival to schools after the bell. In the afternoon, buses are operating 85% on time.
Adding three buses to the fleet has dramatically reduced the problem of overcrowding as well as assisting with on-time rates. Based on the most recent ridership reports, buses are reporting healthy ridership.
This will be monitored regularly, especially now with sports coming to a close for the fall season.
ATHLETICS (Team-specific changes to practices, early dismissals, and contest times will be communicated by the team’s Coach.)
Central Middle School Field – *The Selectmen okayed the application for temporary lights at Central Middle School field. **However, this week, the District administration met with P&Z but did not receive permission to light the field at CMS. They were asked to return with more data including a photometric and sound analysis on Nov 9.
*Selectmen Bless Temporary Field Lighting at Central Middle School for GHS Sports Practices Oct 14
SUNY Purchase – A contract was unable to be signed due to both Town of Greenwich and SUNY Purchase insurance and liability requirements.
Greenwich High School Fields – District and high school administration continue to research alternate practice field opportunities.
The Superintendent has received multiple requests to light fields 6 and 7 and is exploring the legal and municipal processes for a long-term recommendation.
Litigation to Modify 2003 Judgement on Lights at GHS –
On October 19, the Board of Education adopted a resolution to “authorize[s] legal counsel to prepare for litigation to modify the existing 2003 judgment concerning lighting on the Greenwich High School property.”
The Resolution further stated, “that no litigation can be initiated in this matter unless and until the Board of Education authorizes such and the Board of Selectmen of the Town also authorize same on behalf of the Town.”
We are interested in your experiences with the change and encourage you to continue to share your comments and concerns.
- For transportation-related issues: please submit your comments online at: www.greenwichschools.org/transportation or call 203-625-7443.
- For all other comments, including related to after-school commitments (extra-curricular, athletics, etc.): please email [email protected]
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