Camillo Restricts Out of State Travel for Town Employees

Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo announced Wednesday that effective immediately, all out-of-state travel by Town employees is restricted. All previously approved out-of-state travel is rescinded. If out-of-state travel is required, approval must be resubmitted to the Office of the First Selectman for review.

“Regarding in-state travel, that travel will be allowed. We will continue to monitor the situation statewide daily and reassess accordingly,” Mr. Camillo said in a release.

The First Selectman said he will hold daily meetings for updates on COVID-19 and the Town’s response with Health, Public Works, Parks & Recreation, Police and Fire departments, as well as the Board of Education and Emergency Management Operations Director. His office will provide daily email updates to Town Department heads.

“If any employee is feeling sick, they should stay home. This also applies if they have a sick family member in their home,” Camillo continued. “If you have not had a flu shot, please consider getting one. While it will not prevent anyone from contracting COVID-19, it will prevent someone from developing both the flu and COVID-19.”

Departments have the option to consider imposing requirements that visitors use hand sanitizer when entering that department.

The most up-to-date information on the Coronavirus (Covid-19) can be found on the Greenwich Department of Health webpage.

Camillo thanked both employees and residents for their continued support of collaborative efforts to curtail the spread of this virus to keep both Town employees and residents safe and healthy.