Submitted by Monica Prihoda, Riverside
It would be helpful if our local Greenwich Representatives and Senators in Hartford would include in their newsletters the bills they are proposing and those they are opposing.
For instance, in Senator Fazio’s recent newsletter, he omits to mention he has proposed a bill to repeal CT’s Trust Act. There are sins of commission and sins of omission. No, Senator Fazio – this is just wrong. Please rescind your bill proposal.
Churches and other places of worship and schools are not off limits if CT’s Trust Act is repealed. It is up the leaders of churches, schools and our representatives and yes – We the People – to stand up to the injustices trickling down by Authoritarian Executive Orders and not the due process of Congress.
The Trump/MAGA/Billionaire agenda seeks to divide and conquer, and cause chaos on every front and on every level – local and state.
It fails – a sin of omission – to include details of of how just how exactly these Executive Orders will actually impact the daily lives of all constituents – born, birthright, naturalized – on all Economic and Civil Rights areas, i.e. voting rights, prices of goods, etc., for you and me. State Representatives and Senators to both Hartford and DC must RESIST unjust actions and call them for what they are: UNJUST.
Buy or annex Greenland? Like Russians in Ukraine? Start friction with our NATO partners and create national insecurity for US citizens?
I say NO!
My parents were immigrants. I am a first generation American, a United States citizen. My parents were hardworking and contributed to this country as generations of immigrants and people of every color, creed and nationality have built the United States since its glorious inception in 1776 with the novel idea of Democracy.
Stand together. Defend our Democracy. Use your voice: It’s up to you and me.
It takes guts: Speak up. Stand up. Call our Senators and Reps to thank them for defending our democracy. It takes 2 minutes. Put them in your speed dial. It’s easy. All their contact info is readily available on their websites.
Monica Prihoda, Riverside