LOH: Item #18 on RTM Jan 21 agenda is essentially a referendum on rink proposal

Submitted by Rick Loh, Member Board of Parks & Recreation, Member Rink User Committee for Design & Planning

There is near total agreement from all parts of Greenwich we need a new Hamill Rink. A plan has been developed by the Departments of Public Works and Parks & Recreation to replace the current rink with a new, modern, inviting rink with energy efficiency designed into the plan.

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Rick Loh, member of the board of Parks & Rec, sits on the Zamboni during a board tour of the aging Hamill Rink back in 2015. Photo: Leslie Yager

This plan calls for the new rink to be built on the Sal Strazza baseball field adjacent to the current rink. When completed, the old rink will be torn down and a new grass baseball field named after Sal will be built where Hamill Rink is today. As opposed to rebuilding in the current location, this plan also moves the new rink and construction impacts away from properties on Sherman Avenue, which today back right up to the rink. The total green space in the area remains the same and there is no need for the expense of a temporary rink.

This plan makes sense. It is the same plan used to replace the New Lebanon School and the plan that will be used for the replacement of Central Middle School and the Sewer Department pumping station on Strickland Road. The common theme – the plan allows the continued use of the current building until the new building is ready. This is critical for the schools and the pumping station and just as critical for the rink. It is the only rink we have.

Planning & Zoning approved the Municipal Improvement site plan in December. Four Byram residents have asked the full RTM to vote for or against this plan at the upcoming January 21st RTM meeting. It is item number 18 on the meeting agenda. Essentially, this vote is a referendum on this project. Approval of this site plan / MI is a necessary step in the progress of this project.

Please contact members of the RTM in your district. You can also email the entire RTM easily by visiting the Town of Greenwich RTM website.

I am in support of this common sense plan. I hope you are also and will let our RTM members know.

Rick Loh
Member Board of Parks & Recreation
Member Rink User Committee for Design & Planning