Submitted by Barbara Aronica-Buck, Stamford
Two years ago, when Kimberly Fiorello participated in the League of Women Voters debate (YouTube: 1:51.46), she dodged the question about whether she would codify “a woman’s right to choose” in the Connecticut State Constitution should Roe be overturned under “a new Supreme Court.”
She said she was not sure why the question was being asked, then segued into the topic of talking to boys about being responsible. Back then, none of us thought Fiorello’s non-answer would matter – no one envisioned a reality where Roe is overturned and our fellow Americans need to cross state lines to make personal decisions about reproductive care.
This election we will not let her squirm out of answering the question about where she stands on reproductive freedom. But, this time we do not even have to ask because Fiorello has already told us through her votes.
Kimberly Fiorello told us loud and clear last year when she voted to allow pregnancy crisis centers to deceive patients and pretend that they offer abortion services. SHE DOES NOT SUPPORT REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE. She told us when she voted NO on the Reproductive Freedom Defense Act, passed this year – a measure to increase abortion access by increasing providers and enact protections for providers against out-of-state legal actions. SHE DOES NOT SUPPORT REPRODUCTIVE CHOICE.
We are now living post-Roe and we cannot afford to elect anyone who will not outright defend our ability to control our own bodies.
Reproductive rights are the most important issue on the ballot this November. Rachel Khanna is a longtime supporter of Planned Parenthood. As a former clinic escort in Stamford, she’s demonstrated she will safeguard abortion and contraception access in our state.
She has garnered the endorsements of Planned Parenthood Votes CT and CT Chapter of National Organization of Women because they also recognize her dedication to defending our rights.
Join me in voting for Rachel Khanna for State Representative– 149th District on November 8th. Our rights are on the ballot.