LETTER: Camillo Taking Strong but Correct Stance to Keep Golf Course Closed

Submitted by Dave D’Andrea

I would like to commend Fred Camillo for taking the strong but correct stance to keep the town’s golf course closed.

I’m happy that at least few others are doing likewise.

As for the ones that stay open, it’s appalling and selfish, especially when the professionals are telling you the epic peak is coming in the next three weeks and then will take months to decline.

I can tell you first hand dozens of ways it can spread at those facilities, doesn’t matter how many people you have working cleaning.

I only hope in the next few days the managers and boards reconsider and do the right thing, in long run they will be happier and have helped stop the spread.

All Americans should do what’s asked of them. Now is not a time for an ‘I’ll do what I want’ attitude.

I’m speaking from first-hand experience on being in ICU isolation for 30 days when I was stricken with Polio.

I’m very grateful to have survived with very little damage. I’m now in lockdown at home by Dr. Brunetti’s  orders. I have diabetes, cancer, and Sarcoidosis lung disorder.

Let’s all rise to the occasion and stay home as much as possible.

May God watch over all Americans.

Give thanks to medical, first responders, truckers, grocery workers, utility men and delivery people.

We Thank You

I love Greenwich
David D’Andrea