Floren: The Republican Party of Know

Letter to the editor submitted by State Rep Livvy Floren

The ugly din of rancor and false allegations prevails … name calling, rudeness and riled tempers. One of the demeaning epithets being hurled is: “Republicans are merely the party of no.”

I beg to differ. My party is actually and factually the party of KNOW. Some

Republican truths are:
…state budgets are best when bipartisan
…most Connecticut voters do not want tolls
…the “debt diet” and a hard bond cap are excellent initiatives
…economies of scale and shared services are viable goals to be locally determined
…the transportation lockbox and “Prioritize Progress” offer reasonable means to accomplish needed infrastructure improvements
…increased taxes will not solve the deficit
…quality of life issues – jobs, the economy, education and access to healthcare – are of paramount importance to all Connecticut residents.

The laudable list of positive and informed Republican principles goes on and on. There are ways to make our state a better place to live, work and raise a family. We know!

Livvy Floren, state representative, Greenwich and Stamford