Down in the Dumps? Greenwich Tree Conservancy Recommends “Forest Bathing”

“The most cheerful thing I know is the calm, the silence, which are so delicious, both in the forests and the fields. For me it is true humanity and great poetry.” – Jean Francois Millet.

“Come to the woods, for here is rest. There is no repose like that of the green deep woods.”– John Muir, naturalist

Writers and poets throughout the ages have expressed their love for trees.

“In recent years, tree scientists have confirmed what these quotes express, that trees have a positive effect on the moods of people, due to a bodily reaction of the parasympathetic nervous system which controls digestive response, blood pressure, pulse rate, breathing and skeletal muscles,” the Tree Conservancy said in a release. “So that, by viewing trees,whether by walking in the woods or even just seeing a picture, all of these will slow down, thereby causing a calm mood.”

The Japanese have practiced for many years what they call “forest bathing” – walking in the woods and breathing in the forest air thereby facilitating the cleansing of the mind and inner self.

Trees and woodlands have multiple environmental benefits, and now scientists have proven as well their salutary benefits on humans.

The Tree Conservancy notes that during this unprecedented time, people are experiencing are heightened stress, but that nature has a way of improving mental health.

So whether you are taking a walk (while practicing social distancing) or looking out your window, Greenwich Tree Conservancy hopes that you can find comfort in the beauty of our community’s natural landscapes.