Police Charge Winsted Woman with Animal Cruelty; 24 Dogs Removed from Home

On Tuesday police in Winchester, CT announced they had arrested Sarah Smolak, 28, and charged her with two counts of Cruelty to Animals 53-247(a).

In a release, Winchester Police said that Tuesday morning 6:30am officers responded to 86 Strong Terrace in Winsted, where they served two arrest warrants for Sarah Smolak.

Sarah Smolak, March 28, 2025, Photo courtesy Winchster Police

The warrants are part of an ongoing cruelty to animals investigation that is being conducted by the Winchester Police Dept in cooperation with the Town of Harwinton Regional Animal Control Dept, and Animal Control officers with the State of CT Dept of Agriculture.

Ms Smolak was held on $150,000 court set bond  ($75,000 for each count of animal cruelty) and was transported to the Litchfield Judicial District Courthouse GA #18 in Torrington Tuesday morning.

Twenty-four dogs were seized as part of the police ongoing investigation and are being examined, housed and care for locally.

“Advocacy groups and area law enforcement partners from as far away as long Island provided information and assistance and we would like to thank them,” police said.

Over the past weeks animal welfare groups and rescues launched a relentless awareness campaign on social media and by email, urging elected officials and police to act.

Many of the posts concerned a missing dog name Marshmallow. On Tuesday, police did not mention this dog specifically in their press release.

AMA Animal Rescue out of Brooklyn, NY shared a video on Tuesday on Facebook of dogs being removed from Ms Smokak’s home.


The Winchester Police are asking that people with relevant information contact Wichester police:

WPD Detective James Crean
[email protected]
Tel (860) 379-2721


Harwinton Regional Animal Control
[email protected]
Tel. (860) 485-9051 ext 1129