Greenwich Sustainability Committee & Waste Free Greenwich Launch “Green Salon Challenge”

The Business and Waste Reduction Sectors of the Greenwich Sustainability Committee, in partnership with Waste Free Greenwich, announce the Greenwich Green Salon Challenge, a program to foster environmental responsibility and sustainable practices for local hair salons.

This initiative aims to educate salon professionals and clients about the environmental impacts of their practices and empower them to reduce waste and adopt environmentally friendly products.

Green Salon information session:
Join us to learn more on Monday, February 26 at 10:00-10:30am. Zoom link will be emailed to registrants.

Julie DesChamps, Silvina Skeverer and Dr. Nikki Barratt with the GCDS Earth Rise Club Contributed photo

“We believe that the beauty and salon industry has the power to influence positive change in our community,” said Silvina Skverer, chair of the Greenwich Sustainability Committee’s Businesses Sector.

“Through this program, we aim to raise awareness, promote sustainable practices, and initiate important conversations about the environmental impacts of hair salon operations,” Skverer added.

The Greenwich Green Salon Challenge encourages local salons to partner with companies, like Green Circle Salons, to recycle and repurpose materials, such as hair, foils, color tubes, and chemicals, diverting them from our waste and water streams. For example, hair clippings can be recycled into commercial insulation and absorption booms for oil spills, while metal from foils and aerosol cans become new products like bikes and car parts.

The Challenge offers many benefits not only to local businesses but also the broader community.

“The beauty industry generates 877 pounds of waste per minute,” explained Julie DesChamps, chair of Waste Free Greenwich.

“In Greenwich, this material ends up in the trash to be incinerated, which contributes to our state’s waste crisis and has negative impacts on our town budget, environment and public health.”

Not only will salons minimize their environmental footprint through greener practices, they will also build revenue, gain clients, and even save money.

Businesses participating in this Challenge will be recognized and celebrated as leaders of a socially and environmentally responsible movement in the media and by the organizers.

Salons will also have access to exclusive discounts from Green Circle Salons and their partners, making the transition to eco-friendly operations easier.

The youth in our community are playing a pivotal role in this challenge. College interns, Guadalupe Balaguer and Isabella Nima, assisted with the initial research and the Earth Rise Club at Greenwich Country Day School are collaborating on digital content and outreach.

The Greenwich Sustainability Committee and Waste Free Greenwich are now recruiting local hair salons to join the Greenwich Green Salon Challenge.

For further information, visit or email [email protected].