Meg Nolan of the Old Greenwich Association organized a family-oriented, peaceful vigil in Binney Park Wednesday night.
At 8:00pm about 100 people arrived with blankets and chairs. People lit candles before a coordinated silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds in honor of George Floyd and those who have come before him, showcasing the neighborhood’s unity with the cause.
Participants wore masks and observed social distancing.
After the church bells at First Church on Sound Beach Ave rang, Pete Francis of Dragon Crest Collective was joined by his family to sing an original song called “Show me.”
“It’s basically about coming back to love – to heal,” Francis said, going on to thank Whitney Keyes and Meg Nolan for organizing the event.
After the vigil and song, the crowd quietly dispersed as the sun set.
Meg Nolan, Whitney Keyes and JJ Worden at the peaceful vigil for George Floyd in Binney Park. June 10, 2020 Photo: Leslie Yager Pete Francis of Dragon Crest Collective was joined by his family to sing a song called “Show Me.” June 10, 2020 Photo: Leslie YagerPeaceful vigil in honor of George Floyd and others before him was held in Binney Park. June 10, 2020 Photo: Leslie YagerPeaceful vigil in honor of George Floyd and others before him was held in Binney Park. June 10, 2020 Photo: Leslie YagerChildren wrote messages with chalk during the peaceful vigil in Binney Park. June 10, 2020 Photo: Leslie YagerPeaceful vigil in honor of George Floyd and others before him was held in Binney Park. June 10, 2020 Photo: Leslie YagerPeaceful vigil in honor of George Floyd and others before him was held in Binney Park. June 10, 2020 Photo: Leslie Yager