The Town of Greenwich conducts one Household Hazardous Waste Day each spring, giving Greenwich residents an opportunity to dispose of their household hazardous waste at a convenient location.
Household Hazardous Waste Day is Saturday, May 7 in a new location: Horseneck Parking Lot (across from the Boys & Girls Club).

Organizers ask residents for their patience. Wait times may be over an hour. Bring proof of residency and only household waste (no business waste).
Use safe practices when handling wastes:
Open car windows. Use gloves or glasses when handling. Don’t use the ‘sniff’ method to identify products. No smoking. Leave children and pets at home. Contain leaky products. Sort and pack waste by type (read labels for incompatibility). Don’t mix wastes together.
Acceptable materials:
• Pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, weed killers, moth balls
• All paints. Latex and Oil.
• Solvents, thinners, stains, paint strippers, varnishes, wood preservative.
• Fuels, gasoline, kerosene, lighter fluid.
• Degreasers, lube grease, antifreeze, brake fluids, carburetor cleaner
• Pool chemicals
• Oven cleaner, spot remover, rubber cement, model glue, resins
• unknown or unmarked liquids/solids/gases
• Other materials with flammable, corrosive, reactive or toxic properties
Call or visit the environmental health website for more information or about specific products.
(203) 869-6910 or 622-7838