Second Congregational Church at 139 East Putnam Ave in Greenwich welcomes all to attend their services through Holy Week starting on Palm Sunday, March 24 at 10:30am with a Palm Processional in the Sanctuary.
Maundy Thursday, March 28 they will have a light dinner at 6:15pm to remember the Last Supper in the upper room with Jesus’ disciples, followed by a meditative worship service with Holy Communion at 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.
On Friday, March 29, they will partner with the YMCA for a half-day Vacation Bible School from 9:00 am-12:00 noon with pool time for children ages 5-12. Cost is $25 and registration is on the website:
At 7:30pm, the church will hold a combined worship service with music, readings, and prayer at First Congregational Church in Old Greenwich.
Easter Sunday Services will be held on March 31 at 6:30am on the church lawn, and 10:30am in the main sanctuary.
“We encourage all ages, infants to seniors, to worship together on Easter Sunday,” said a message from the church.
Their nursery will be open as wiggle room for parents to come with their children as needed.
Bring your baskets!
More details available on the Second Congregational Church website.
The church is located at 139 East Putnam Ave in Greenwich.