For the 8th year The Undies Project will be holding its bra drive February 20 – March 17, called Mardi “Bra to coincide with Mardi Gras, to collect donations of new bras for women and girls who are homeless, living in shelters or who are on a low income.
The mission of The Undies Project is to provide new underwear to men, women and children in need to improve their lives. Underwear is the most under-donated, and most needed, item of clothing that many of us take for granted. No one should be deprived of the simple, daily necessity of clean underwear. Hygiene and physical comfort are only a part of this basic human need. New, clean underwear also provides dignity and self-esteem. For many, underwear is a necessity not a luxury.
As Mardi Bra 2022 was a huge success, The Undies Project had decided to keep to an online drive instead of placing donation bins at establishments as in previous years.
To support this drive and help girls and women in need you can either purchase a new bra from The Undies Project’s Amazon Wish List or make a monetary donation, both accessible on their website, or purchase a new bra while shopping and mail it to 10 Steep Hollow Lane, Cos Cob CT 06807.
Sizes 32-38 are the most needed bra sizes. All donations received will be distributed through The Undies Project’s partner agencies who serve women and girls in need. All bras need to be new, either with tags on or in original packaging.
The Undies Project’s goal of helping 150 women and girls last year was far surpassed and with the flood of donations they were able to help over 750 women and girls.
“With the outpouring of support for Mardi Bra last year we are certain that with the generosity of local communities we will be able to help many, many more this year,” said Lucy Langley, Co-President of The Undies Project.
For further information or questions please email The Undies Project at [email protected].
The Undies Project is a registered 501(c)(3) charity.