Christ Church is hosting a Storytelling and Seated Dinner Event, “The Calling” on Friday, May 5, at 6:30 pm in the “Chapel-turned-Cabaret.”
Back by popular demand! Do you love a great story? Do you love listening to podcasts like The Moth? You will love this event. Enjoy a social evening of wine, a seated dinner and storytelling.

Witness six interesting, dynamic parishioners and Christ Church friends as they share their real life experiences about a calling in their life, a tipping point. The evening will be led by Greenwich resident Bonnie Levison, a Lead Storytelling Coach with The Moth. Bonnie will be working with our six storytellers in workshops leading up to the event, to craft their stories and help each person to fine tune the experience they want to share with us.
Bonnie Levison, Greenwich resident, is a storyteller in her own right. She is a Moth Story SLAM Champion and Mainstage Storyteller. Her stories have been featured on the Central Park Summer Stage, Peabody Award Winning Moth Radio Hour.
This event is live, in-person only… It will not be recorded.
The Calling wines generously donated by Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits.
Christ Church is located at 254 East Putnam Ave., Greenwich
(Photos by Bobbi Eggers with full permission to use.)
The Sunday Forums at Christ Church Greenwich are a continuing series of free talks, bringing important conversations to the Greenwich community.
Christ Church is a lively community of faith composed of people with diverse backgrounds, circumstances, and spiritual journeys, bound together by God’s love for all people everywhere and united in the common mission to seek and serve God in all persons. We fulfill this work through the dedicated ministries of over 300 volunteers annually, who serve on more than 40 commissions, committees, guilds and task forces. In addition, the church hosts and supports more than 20 community meetings per week including 12-step programs, choral and music groups, neighborhood groups, and children’s programs. The Christ Church Preschool is a regional leader in early education, and our bookstore, Dogwood Gifts and Books, is a thriving resource of both faith-based and secular books. Their 40-year partnership with Neighbor to Neighbor allows them to serve those in Greenwich who are in need of food.
The Mission of Christ Church Greenwich is to be a vibrant Episcopal community proclaiming God’s love for every human being, no exceptions. Following Jesus’ teachings is their compass for personal growth, community outreach and harmonious living. Its vision is to seek and serve God in all people through inspiration from the Bible, worship, community outreach, music, and art in our sacred historic home.
Questions? [email protected]