Old Greenwich Garden Club: Busy with Holiday Decorating, Children’s Workshops, Tabletop Christmas Tree at Perrot

The Old Greenwich Garden Club has been busy, starting with holiday decorating in the village where the Garden Club’s Civic Committee transformed the planters with greens and holiday bows and ornaments in preparation of the holiday season and the Old Greenwich Merchant’s Association First Light event, making the village come alive for the holidays. This is just one of the club’s many local community activities.

Photo: Ellie Bowman

This year, in anticipation and celebration of the Garden Club’s 100th anniversary in 2024, the Club participated in the First Light event.  Volunteers at a table in front of the OG fire station gave out bags of potpourri to simmer to add beautiful holiday scents our homes.

Also, in partnership with the Perrot Library, the Juniors Committee of the Garden Club holds three workshops in the spring and in the fall focused on garden and nature related activities for children from ages Pre-K through 5th grade. At this last workshop, pinecone bird feeders were made from pinecones, Sun butter and seeds.  30 children children participated in the pinecone-bird feeder workshop.

And lastly, the Garden Club of Old Greenwich’s tabletop Christmas tree is once more gracing the reading room at the Perrot Library.  The tree was decorated by Garden Club Member Louise Weber several years ago for the Greenwich Historical Society’s Festival of Tabletop trees.  This year, Louise was decorating another tabletop tree for this year’s Festival of Tabletop trees when she passed away. She was an extremely talented and dedicated longtime member of the Garden Club.  “To the end, she was doing what she loved best, being creative and creating beauty.”