KRUMEICH: Arzeno Delivers Results for Greenwich

Submitted by Elizabeth Krumeich, Greenwich

Honesty, trustworthiness, integrity, critical thinking and the ability to get results through bipartisan legislation.  Hector Arzeno, my State Representative in the 151st District, has demonstrated all these attributes and has a stellar legislative record with 100% attendance during General Assembly sessions.   This is hardly surprising given his forty-year career as a senior executive in international finance.  With Greenwich State Representatives Rachel Khanna (D149) and Steve Meskers (D150), Hector has proven that he can achieve positive outcomes for Greenwich.

Hector serves on the Education, Higher Education and Employment, and Environment Committees, and his subcommittee wrote HB 5004, the Connecticut Climate Protection Act.  That’s why two major environmental groups, CT League of Conservation Voters and the Sierra Club, have endorsed Hector.

With the other Greenwich State Representatives, they achieved an unprecedented reimbursement rate for the construction of Central Middle School, funding for the improvement of the Glenville corridor, and over $7.5 million for local not-for-profits like the Boys and Girls Club.  Hector delivers for us and can be trusted in his dealings on our behalf!

Hector unequivocally supports reproductive freedom and affordable healthcare. Hector understands that contraception, infertility treatments and abortion are healthcare.

Hector also represents District 8 on the Representative Town Meeting and is the D8 delegate to the RTM Finance Committee.  During the 2023 municipal elections, Hector was the second most popular candidate of RTM members Town-wide.

Please join me in voting on November 5 to re-elect Hector Arzeno as our State Representative for the 151stDistrict.

Elizabeth K. Krumeich
Former member of the Board of Estimate and Taxation

NOTE: GFP is accepting letters to the editor about candidates in the Nov 5, 2024 election for consideration from Oct 8 until Oct 29th at 12:00 noon.