PHOTOS: When Trash is Treasure: NMS Daisies Pick Beach Clean

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Mrs. Lori Mulligan is known by many in Greenwich as a math teacher, but on Tuesday after school she switched hats to take up her role as North Mianus School Girl Scout Daisy leader for Troop 50126.

After school, Mrs. Mulligan, along with Assistant Troop Leader Samantha Milligan-Guzman and Mrs. Mulligan’s daughter Blair from NMS grade 3 Brownie troop 50376, and all 20 Daisies in the troop headed to Tod’s Point to earn a clean-up badge.

The girls were each provided a pair of rubber gloves and a bag. The girls drew some inspiration from the sunshine and unseasonably warm temps, and picked the beach clean of debris. According to Mrs. Mulligan, one of the girls treasured her trash so much she was tempted to bring it home to show her mother.

Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 1.02.09 PMEach of the petals on the Daisies’ vests are earned and represent the ten lines from the Girl Scout Law:

I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.

Girl Scouts badgeThe Daisies have earned almost all ten petals:
October 7:  Sunny:  Friendly and Helpful (Monster Mash Poster Making)
November 18:  Zinni:  Considerate and Helpful (thanksgiving centerpiece)
December 2:  Clover:  Use Resources Wisely (recyclable art craft – reading robots for 1st grade classrooms)
December 16:  Mari:  Responsible for What I Say and Do (kaper chart & First Aid kit)
January 13:  Tula:  Courageous and Strong (anti-bullying, be an ally)
February 3:  Vi:  Be a Sister to Every Girl Scout (pen pals)
March 3:  Gloria:  Respect Myself and Others (thank you notes from cookie sales)
March 17:  Gerri:  Respect Authority (visit from a police officer)
April 7:  Rosie:  Making the World A Better Place (beach clean-up)
May 19:  Lupe: Honest and Fair (outside game activity)

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