On August 6, the Putnam Hill Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) presented to this year’s DAR American Essay student winners.
The essay topic for 5th to 8th-grade students was “The Voyage of the Mayflower.”
As this year marks the 400th Anniversary of the voyage of the Mayflower and the founding of the Plymouth Colony, the contest asked students to imagine themselves as one of the passengers on the Mayflower.
Knowing what materials were available in 1620, what would you have packed to prepare for the trip and starting a new life in the wilderness? After experiencing more than two months at sea then finally landing at Plymouth Colony on November 9, 1620, do you think you would have made different choices and why?
The History essay topic for the 9th to 12th (Upper) grades was “A Sailor’s Experiences as Part of Christopher Columbus’ First Expedition to the Americas” – Through Rodrigo De Escobedo’s Eyes. Christopher Columbus’ first expedition set off in August of 1492. He and his men explored the Caribbean for 5 months after arriving there in October. The essay asked the writer to Imagine themselves as a sailor who accompanied Christopher Columbus on this voyage and now has returned to Spain. Describe your impression of Christopher Columbus and the perception of the purpose of the expedition. Talk about your experiences on the voyage, detailing the places and people that you encountered, and what you see as the significance of the discoveries made.
The 2020 DAR History American Essay contest for 5-8th graders is “The Boston Massacre” in recognition of March 5, 2020, marking the 250th anniversary of the Boston Massacre.
The event was considered pivotal, paving the way for the American Revolution. Imagine you are living in Boston and, after witnessing the events of March 5, describe your family’s discussion about the Boston Massacre and what role it played in organizing the colonists against the British King and Parliament.
The required length is Grade 5: 300–600 words; Grades 6, 7, and 8: 600–1,000 words. The due date is Nov 1, but for those interested, essays will be accepted now. More information will follow in the fall.