Last year, YWCA Greenwich responded to more than 3,700 calls to its hotline, and nearly every day, someone also went directly to YWCA Greenwich seeking help. YWCA Greenwich is the only state designated provider of domestic abuse services for victims of domestic violence in Greenwich with staff who are licensed to provide a variety of victim services. “Domestic violence is prevalent in every community, including Greenwich,” said Mary Lee Kiernan, President and CEO, YWCA Greenwich. “Community support is essential in helping to end the cycle of violence and support victims seeking the help they need.”
On Tuesday, October 1, 12:00 pm, First Selectman Peter Tesei will read a proclamation designating October as Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Month. Other speakers will include Mary Lee Kiernan, Meredith Gold, Director, YWCA Greenwich Domestic Abuse Services, and Greenwich Police Chief Jim Heavey. The event will take place on the steps of Town Hall and all members of the community are invited to attend. Continue Reading →