Final Signing Ceremony at Greenwich High School Honors “Great Athletes and Amazing Citizens”

In the last of four signing ceremonies this year, on Monday Greenwich High School honored several scholar-athletes who are continuing their sports at D3 colleges next year.

Present were Victoria Liu, Drew Falla, Michael DeLuca, Lauren Civitillo, MK Savio, Sophie Roth, Kelsey Roth, and Samantha Ings.

After Interim Director of Athletics Peter Georgiou announced each athlete and the school they will attend, GHS principal Ralph Mayo congratulated them.

Mayo thanked the parents. “I know what it’s like to be a parent of an athlete,” he said. “All that driving.”

“I’ve been involved in this athletic program as a coach since 1976, and I know how hard it is to be an athlete here and to be an athlete in college because I played lacrosse in college. It’s another job,” he said. “They have their job of going to school, but they also have that job every day after classes of getting to practice, and then trying to catch up on their studies after practice.”

Mayo said students were not only great athletes but amazing citizens.

“They are just a great group and I’m going to miss them all.”

Standing were Sophie and Kelsey Roth, headed to Gettysburg College and St. Lawrence University respectively and Samantha Ings, headed to Bryn Mawr College. June 12, 2023 Photo: Leslie Yager
Barallon, AnthonyRugbyQueens College
Belmont, EvanSwimmingMonmouth University
Civitillo, LaurenCheerUniversity of Miami
DeLuca, MichaelTrack & FieldManhattanville College
Dorsey, MatthewSoccerStockton University
Falla, DrewFootballEndicott College
Gatherer, JohnRugbyPenn State University
Hernandez, JorgeFootballPlymouth State University
Ings, SamanthaSwimmingBryn Mawr College
Insinga, VincentFootballEndicott College
Liu, VictoriaSwimmingUniversity of Chicago
Maglakelidze, IoaneWater PoloFordham University
Meier, Jean-Benno (JB)RugbyUniversity of Louisville
Nguyen, LaraRowingMIT
Pennella, AlexandraSoccerBrandeis University
Roth, KelseyLacrosseSt. Lawrence University
Roth, SophieLacrosseGettysburg College
Savio, MKLacrosseFranklin & Marshall College
Tauber, CeceliaLacrosseWilliams College
GHS Interim Director of Athletics, Peter Georgiou congratulated the student athletes. June 12, 2023 Photo: Leslie Yager