Wildacre Rotisserie, Cos Cob’s new fast casual rotisserie restaurant, has joined the Better Chicken Commitment to commit to sourcing higher welfare chicken.

Led by former Starbucks and sweetgreen culinary leader Ben Pote, Wildacre offers a fresh take on traditional rotisserie, so naturally, chicken is a focal point of the menu. The brand sought out Cooks Venture as its poultry partner with better chicken in mind and now has taken the next step to formalize its commitment with guidance from Compassion in World Farming USA.
Wildacre has committed to Version 1 of the Better Chicken Commitment, meaning it will source only chicken certified by Global Animal Partnership (G.A.P.) and require all chickens to be processed in a manner that avoids live-dumping and live-shackling, and instead utilizes a pre-shackle, multi-step controlled-atmosphere processing system that’s widely hailed as more humane. In sourcing Cooks Venture chicken, the brand already meets four out of the five tenets of the Better Chicken Commitment. Cooks Venture raises a slow-growth, heirloom chicken called the Pioneer, taking into account the animal’s and environment’s health. Core to their mission is advancing regenerative agriculture, and their chickens are pasture-raised, heirloom birds fed a diet of non-GMO feed.
“We identified Cooks Venture as the place we wanted to source our chicken from because we are concerned with how our food is produced within today’s industrial model,” said Ben Pote. “We care deeply about how animals are raised and want to help build a better food system, one meal at a time.”
“Chickens raised for meat, also known as broiler chickens, make up approximately 95% of the farm animals in our food system. Over nine billion are raised and slaughtered each year in the United States,” said Julia Johnson, Senior Food Business Manager, Compassion in World Farming USA. “By announcing their pledge to the Better Chicken Commitment, Wildacre Rotisserie is demonstrating that they care about the quality of life these chickens have, as well as transparency to their customers about their own elevated sourcing standards.”
Compassion USA’s food business managers and animal welfare specialists are working with companies like Wildacre Rotisserie to raise the standard of chicken welfare throughout the U.S. and worldwide. To help improve the lives of animals raised for food, the charity publishes reports—EggTrack and ChickenTrack—that track companies’ progress in both the broiler chicken and laying hen industries, ensuring transparency in the marketplace for consumers. The U.S. Working Group for Broiler Welfare, also co-hosted by Compassion USA, supports and brings together leading food businesses by exploring workable strategies and creative solutions for transitioning supply chains through the welfare standards outlined in the BCC.
For more information on the Better Chicken Commitment, visit https://betterchickencommitment.com/