Submitted by Molly Saleeby, candidate for RTM District 8
Dear Greenwich Community,
The municipal election on Tuesday, November 7 is fast approaching with only a week to go. Please plan to vote. Local Elections Really Do Matter. In 2021 only 41% of Greenwich’s electorate voted! Town government decisions affect our daily lives in meaningful ways. Perhaps you’ve felt that more acutely of late. School parents, please vote!
I’m running for a 4th term on the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) in District 8.
The RTM, as the town’s legislative body with 230 representatives in 12 districts, is influential. The main responsibilities are to approve the annual budget (after the Board of Estimate and Taxation), pass and amend ordinances, accept gifts, approve the Selectboard’s nominations to Boards and Commissions, and act as the final authority on municipal improvements, among other functions.
I’m currently Vice Chair of District 8 and a delegate on the Public Works Committee, previously on Budget Overview. I am also the RTM appointed member of the talented and tireless Old Greenwich School Building Committee. When I first ran in 2017 with the slogan “A Voice for You” I didn’t contemplate what it might come to mean, and I think it is more relevant today than ever, particularly for our school community as we have seen with the Central Middle School and Old Greenwich School building projects.
I have lived in town since I was two and along with my siblings, cousins, and nieces and nephews we’ve attended North Mianus, North Street, Parkway, Central, Eastern, Western, and GHS. My family deeply values Greenwich Public Schools that has given so much to all of us over the decades. As I have done so unwaveringly, I will continue to speak up for our schools and our students, integral parts of any community. My strongest voice will always be for children.
The absolute high point of serving these last six years is the people I’ve met, most notably constituents who’ve reached out for assistance from sidewalks to schools. Thank you for the opportunity to connect. See you at the polls.
Molly Saleeby, RTM District 8
Note the deadline to submit LTEs for candidates in the Nov 7 Greenwich Municipal Elections was Oct 30, 2023 at 12:00 noon