PTA Council: Parents, thank a teacher today!

Submitted by the 2022-2023 board of Directors of the PTA Council Greenwich

This week, October 5, was World Teacher’s Day. Teacher Appreciation Week will take place next May, 2023. But we, the Board of Directors of the PTA Council of Greenwich Public Schools – the leadership body of the 15 Greenwich Public School PTA organizations – want to take this opportunity to publicly state our appreciation and support for the education professionals, teachers and staff of the Greenwich Public Schools.

Teachers and staff are preparing our children for the world of tomorrow – today, this week and this month. Ask any parent or caregiver, fresh off of summer vacation, how challenging it can be to guide and positively influence children at home and it becomes clear that it is a daunting job these special professionals manage daily. While we may struggle just to have our children pick up after themselves, the teachers and staff are tasked with teaching them to read, study complex math and science concepts, learn hundreds and thousands of years of history, master another language, express themselves through the written word and the arts, prepare for university and careers and yes, conduct themselves with character and courage. 

All of this has happened under the recent shadow of pandemic and other difficulties. Challenging times have always been part of the human condition and children of every generation must still be educated during these times. But teachers of today operate in an environment that now includes rapid communication, the influence of social media, school safety concerns and an environment of vigorous debate. Our educators are the ones we rely on to make learning occur each and every day, in caring and supportive classrooms. As they guide and educate tomorrow’s leaders so that they are truly prepared for tomorrow, they are also being tasked with navigating turbulent educational waters.

Let’s all come together and appreciate the professionals who are doing the difficult work of educating our children. One area we can agree upon is that preparing our children for tomorrow is of vital import. Appreciating those professionals whose job it is to prepare our children is not something we can do one week a year, nor should it wait for next May. Let’s take a moment today, tomorrow and immediately to let them know how much we appreciate them today, tomorrow and every day. Go and thank a teacher. Something we can all agree on!

Respectfully yours,

2022 – 2023 Board of Directors
PTA Council Greenwich