PRIHODA: Pumpkin Lady Believes in Science

Submitted by Monica Prihoda, Old Greenwich

Biking past the Old Greenwich School recently, I was happy to see the annual appearance of “The Pumpkin Lady” – sensibly wearing a mask! 

But it figures – she is after all a part of a school that teaches science.

Having read LTE’s by Ms. Capalbo (LETTER: Democrats Are Misleading Voters and Running from Their Record, Oct 6, 2020 and Mr. Litvack (LITVACK: No Place to Hide, Oct 6 2020) several take-aways struck me.

Ms. Capalbo uses bullying language and labels espoused by the President himself:  words such as “lunacy” “dumb” “bored.” Very much in step with her party’s leader, President Trump. 

She states that Senator Kasser votes straight Democrat, but fails to mention all the issues.  With President Trump pushing national responsibilities down to states, you better believe whom we elect in Greenwich and CT is vitally important. 

Issues such as women’s right to choose, the current best science can offer on slowing the spread of COVID-19 today is by wearing masks and social distancing, our CT environment (nuclear power sure won’t find a home in the backyard of Greenwich, but maybe a “more suitable”  location which enjoys a greater population of people of color? Systemic racism anyone?),

LBGTQ equal rights and more may very well be decided by elected officials in Hartford.  I don’t vote party, I vote issues.

On the local subject of COVID-19 and mask wearing: the RTM will face a vote October 26th on a proposed Greenwich ordinance “My Body/My Choice/My Business/My Choice.” This ordinance is being brought forth by an RTM member whose idea of civil liberty is putting others at health risk.  For all the purported strength on display while pumping iron, smoking a cigar,  while wearing Trump t-shirts in photos  and cleaning his guns during RTM zoom meetings, I wonder what is so difficult about wearing a very light mask for the time being?  Even as a woman I can lift a mask.  As an RTM member I will vote “NO” for the health safety of my fellow RTM members and all residents of the Town of Greenwich Republicans, Unaffiliated and Democrat.  You see, National IS Local.

As for “Voices for Democracy,” if it’s for supporting equal rights for all and protecting our very delicate democracy, which is being challenged daily by an Authoritarian line of governing which embodies rights for some, but not all, count me in.

I agree with former Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner who said, “There is no Republican Party; there is the party of Trump.”

Respectfully yours,
Monica Prihoda

Editor’s note: Letters to the Editor in support of local candidates in the Nov 3, 2020 election may be submitted to [email protected] for consideration beginning July 15 and with a hard deadline of Oct 26, 2020 at noon.