Submitted by Rick Loh, Member Rink Committee and Board of Parks & Recreation
Over the past week I have attended three RTM committee meetings or joint committee meetings in an effort to provide more information concerning the proposal to build a new Hamill Rink. I’ll be going to more. I have a few observations to share at this point in the process.
It is clear RTM members feel they are being rushed to make a decision on this issue. This is not due to the Town pushing this for approval by the RTM. Each Town project requires Municipal Improvement (MI) designation. This involves site plan approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission and then project approval from the RTM and other Town Boards.
Four Byram citizens have asked for a referral (a challenge of the MI) which forces a vote on the MI from the full RTM at their next meeting, January 21st. This challenge has short circuited the long approval process which lies ahead.
At this point all we have is Preliminary approval of the site plan from P&Z. There are a number of P&Z conditions still to be met before we even know if the prelim site plan approval from P&Z becomes final. This challenge is also coming before we can further educate the RTM and the public about the proposal, which would have happened naturally in the coming months. Again, Public Works and Parks & Recreation are not asking for this vote at this time. It is being forced by the challenge.
So…a vote for the MI by a majority of RTM members will merely put us back on the normal Town track of working towards full approval, requiring multiple Town departments to weigh in. We will still need final P&Z approval for the rink location, we still need to meet the conditions they attached to their Preliminary approval. The long Town approval process still needs to take place, not only including the site, but also including the money for the project. The RTM will again be able to approve or not approve this project later this spring.
That being said, the Rink Committee and the professionals in the two Town departments responsible for building and then managing the rink, Public Works and Parks & Recreation, believe in the proposed plan, as do I.
It is the most cost effective, efficient and least disruptive plan and eliminates the expense and need for a temporary rink. It moves the impact of construction away from the private residences on Sherman Avenue, minimizes blasting and saves money by not having to make the higher, current rink site ADA compliant.
No plan will be perfect, there are issues no matter where a new rink is located. After years of review, this proposal is deemed to be the best solution in the long term for the Town.
For more information and a historical overview of this project, visit the Town of Greenwich website and search for the Skating Rink replacement project. I urge you to contact RTM members you know or serve your district and express your view. And, if you live on the west side of Town, especially Byram, your input is needed ASAP. RTM contact info is available on the Town of Greenwich website.
Rick Loh
Member Rink Committee and Board of Parks & Recreation