LETTER:  Heather Smeriglio is Certified and Qualified as Greenwich Tax Collector 

Submitted by Cathy Hansen

Experience, Experience, Experience – absolutely necessary in our town’s Taxpayer Collector’s Office and boy will we have it by reelecting Heather Smeriglio for her third term in office.

Perhaps one of the most significant aspects of her background is that Heather achieved the status of a Certified Tax Collector prior to her first campaign.  Her intention was to fully understand the process involved and subsequently took the necessary courses to become a Tax Collector.

This was a key piece of her first campaign along with believing she could humanly collect “back taxes” owed to the town.  These efforts are always done with courtesy, empathy and respect – exceptional qualities to have in  our Greenwich Tax Collector.

In addition to more thoughtfully respond to our Greenwich citizens, she extended her office hours through the last day taxes were due.

99%+ of our taxes were collected by her office and Heather has received much appreciation from her constituents.

All things considered, there really is a most qualified person to be elected Tax Collector, Heather Smeriglio!  Please support her and be sure to vote on November 7th – Row B.

NOTE: The deadline to submit letters to the editor was Oct 30, 2023 at 12:00 noon.