Letter to the editor from Jeanine Behr Getz submitted Sept 7, 2018
There should be more representatives like Livvy Floren in Hartford!
I have always admired Representative Floren and often look to her for guidance on how to navigate the politics on issues that benefit the health and welfare of children and the environment in our Town and State. Representative Floren always delivers.
Unwavering in her convictions and support, especially when it comes to children’s health, clean water and clean air. She’s not afraid to vote for what is in the best interest of all of her constituents. Representative Floren is honest, pragmatic, and has insight into our community’s challenges and needs.
Representative Floren takes the time and has the willingness to examine the issues and listen closely to our questions and concerns and provides thoughtful explanations. Representative Floren communicates with her constituents! She asks for input, reports back on votes and relays the challenges.
Representative Floren is well respected by her colleagues; works across the political aisle and votes issues not party.
For all these reasons, and more, with proud enthusiasm, I am writing to express my support for Livvy Floren in her efforts to be re-elected as State Representative for the 149th House District.
Jeanine Behr Getz
Greenwich, CT