DIETRICH: Fazio’s common sense approach, economic experience and dedication to education is exactly what our state currently needs.

Submitted by Irene Dietrich

Ryan Fazio is my choice for State Senator of the 36th district. His common sense approach, economic experience and dedication to education is exactly what our state currently needs.

Among Ryan’s ambitious ideas, is a plan to build a cohesive union within the Senate. He sees the need for establishing practices that would lead to a renewal of our state’s economic strength resulting in a lowering of our state and local taxes. Ryan is always very well informed, creative in his solutions and willing to listen to other’s ideas. He will definitely reach across the aisle!

Ryan’s youth brings a vitality to the fore along with a vision based on his love of the state and its future. He will be able to create an alliance with young voters and draw in the younger demographic. This is a growing segment of our population who are becoming voters requiring a voice in the decision making process of our Senate and the future of our state. Ryan has the ability to create a balance within the senate as well as with the voters.

Ryan Fazio believes investment in our youth through appropriate curriculums, continuous professional development by our teachers and re designing of our older schools so they fit new teaching methods is “the ticket to upward mobility.”

These focal points would erase the need to regionalize our school districts. These improvements will allow us to maintain local control over our school districts.

To Ryan, the windows and doors of possibilities are wide open. He envisions change based on need and solutions that will serve to better the entire population of Connecticut. We need to listen civilly to each other and then proceed to achieve the best possible solution, one that serves most if not all the population. Ryan Fazio, as Republican candidate for the Senate is able to bring these important ideas and values to the fore. With Ryan in the Senate representing District 36, we can look forward to economic recovery and posterity will be in our future.

Note: The deadline for letters to the editor for candidates in the Aug 17 special election for State Senate 36th district was Aug 10.