Cowie & Barro: MacGillivray’s RTC Should Be Ashamed – They’re Gaslighting You with Disinformation

Submitted by Submitted by current and former Greenwich Public School parents Jen Barro and Steph Cowie 

Republican Town Committee (RTC) Chair Beth MacGillivray is trying to pull one over on the residents of Greenwich. She published a piece lauding the recent Central Middle School (CMS) funding approval by the Board of Estimate and Taxation (BET) titled, “Greenwich Republicans: CMS Funding Passes in BET – A Job Well Done” (Oct 25, 2023)

What? That is as audacious as it is insulting to the hardworking volunteers and elected officials who actually should be thanked: the Board of Education, CMS Building Committee, Democratic BET members, and parents of all political persuasions who have had to put up with Republican party obstruction on this project for a year.

Just so we are all clear about Ms. MacGillivray’s spin:


  • The two outgoing Republican BET members who ultimately voted yes on the funding were the subject of disparaging notes handed out by one of Ms. MacGillivray’s RTC members prior to the Tuesday night vote. This intimidation tactic has been covered by the local press.

  • BET Republicans have spread disinformation about this project throughout the community and are already lobbying the Representative Town Meeting (RTM) to vote against it.

  • BET Republicans publicly maligned and disparaged PTA members and parents for their advocacy on the CMS project.

  • Ms. MacGillivray personally handed out disinformation flyers to CMS parents during school drop off, violating district policy and drawing a rebuke from administration.

  • The Greenwich community needs to be aware that Ms. MacGillivray, her RTC, and BET Republicans have done nothing but obstruct and delay this project from its outset. Dan Ozizmir and Bill Drake, outgoing BET Republicans, who voted for the CMS funding were not “thanked” but rather vilified by the RTC. Any credit taken for the funding by the town Republican party is a slap in the face of Greenwich residents and public school parents.

Make sure you are getting your information from trusted sources like the Greenwich Public Schools’ administration and the CMS Building Committee. Notably, school officials have been unequivocal that strict safeguards will be in place to ensure safety for children and teachers through all phases of construction. You certainly cannot trust the RTC guys who are putting out campaign signs that say, “Build our Schools” while at the same time they are voting against the funding.

On November 7th, cast your vote for all 6 BET Democrats and the Bipartisan Moderate Slate of Candidates for RTM  – both endorsed by The Voting Moms. It’s time to send Beth MacGillivray and her RTC disinformation team packing.

Submitted by current and former Greenwich Public School parents Jen Barro and Steph Cowie