POPP: Republican ticket offers common ground and practical solutions.

Submitted by Alex Popp, Byram

I support the election of Fred Camillo, Lauren Rabin, and the Republican BET Ticket.

These Republicans have earned my trust with their measured approach to spending that balances the needs of the community with common ground and practical solutions. As a GPS teacher holding a couple business degrees, I have a unique perspective on our school system while understanding the importance of keeping Greenwich affordable.

The Republican position on spending better suits the needs of our residents, especially those living in our modest neighborhoods. Tax dollars should be spent with care, and when the Selectmen’s Office and the BET approve capital expenditures, they are relying on taxpayer dollars collected from town residents. And when the mill rate increases, it disproportionately impacts workforce employees (teachers, police, nurses, etc.), blue collar workers (trade, waitstaff, landscapers, etc.), and fixed income seniors the hardest. Over the years, I am thankful that our Republicans have worked tirelessly at preserving one of the lowest mill rates in the state.

Please join me in supporting Fred, Lauren, and the six Republican BET candidates. Under their leadership Greenwich is stronger and healthier. Vote Row B.

Alex Popp