A missing Tibetan Terrier named “Sissy” who had been missing from her Greenwich home since November 30, was reunited with her owners on Sunday, after she made her way from Greenwich to Harrison, New York.
During the time she was missing, the dog was spotted by many people. At one point someone posted on Facebook that the dog was spotted in downtown Greenwich by Doppio restaurant at the corner of Mason and Elm Street.
After many well meaning Greenwich residents inadvertently scared Sissy, Buddha Dog Rescue & Recovery was enlisted to help with her “capture.”
When sightings of Sissy were reported closer to I -95, with the advice of Buddha Dog Rescue & Recovery, the owner released a plea to people to stop searching for her on foot or in car. While that may have seemed counter-intuitive, they explained that all the searching and chasing had resulted in a widening of the dog’s circle, pushing her out of the areas where she had begun to settle.
On Saturday, Dec 9, memorable for significant snowfall, Sissy’s owner wrote on Facebook, “ I BEG ALL OF YOU TO PLEASE STOP CHASING HER, CALLING OUT TO HER! SHE IS RUNNING IN BLIND FEAR AND WE HUMANS ARE CAUSING HER TO KEEP RUNNING.”
Buddha Dog Rescue & Recovery, which has successfully captured hundreds of dogs, reunites families with their lost pets through the use of eye catching, 11×17 color posters that get noticed and generate calls and tips about sightings. The next phase is monitoring and surveillance of feeding stations. Lastly, they use large custom humane traps. They even have custom built enclosure traps that are specifically designed for larger dogs who will not fit or go in to a standard size humane trap, or “trap savvy” dogs who have been trapped before.
Sissy’s owners and Buddha Dog Rescue & Recovery asked well meaning residents not to call out to her, approach Sissy, and not to run after her or pursue her in any way.
In fact, they asked that sightings be kept off of social media all together.
Instead they asked anyone who spotted the dog to call the owner directly, rather than posting sightings on Facebook, which are time consuming to monitor.
In the end, Sissy wasn’t trapped.
Instead, according to a Facebook post by PAWS of Greenwich on Sunday night, Sissy was spotted by motorists when she was running up the Purchase Street on ramp to I-287. Drivers pulled over to help her.
After all those days running terrified from anyone who tried to help her, Sissy jumped into a car that had another dog in it.
She was then brought to Harrison Pet Rescue NY where she was scanned for a microchip and her owner Ann Lockyer was contacted.