YWCA Greenwich to Sponsor Human Trafficking Panel in Honor of Martin Luther King’s Birthday

The YWCA Greenwich is co-sponsoring a powerful panel discussion with over 30 community partners to mark the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

The event is on Wednesday, Jan 16 at 6:30pm at the YWCA Greenwich.

The panel will examine the issue of labor trafficking in our own community and beyond, and they will discuss the ways we can all help to end modern slavery.

This is an annual event that honors Dr. King’s legacy.

The discussion about human trafficking began in 2018 with a focus on labor trafficking. Globally, the International Labor Organization estimates that there are 20.1 million people trapped in forced labor in industries including agriculture, construction, domestic work and manufacturing.

The YWCA’s goal is to raise awareness of this issue and to provide consumers and business leaders with information on how their own actions can help to put an end labor trafficking. Space is limited, and registration is required. Go to: www.ywcagreenwich.org/labor-trafficking-registration

Panelists include:

Moderator Krishna Patel General Council and Director of Justice Initiatives, Grace Farms Foundation and former federal Prosecutor

Luis DeBaca, Lawyer and US Ambassador-at-large to Monitor and Combat trafficking in Persons, and former direct of the department of Justice's SMART Office. and former federal Prosecutor

Luis DeBaca, Lawyer and US Ambassador-at-large to Monitor and Combat trafficking in Persons, and former direct of the department of Justice’s SMART Office. and former federal Prosecutor

Resa Spazini Director, Wage and Workplace Standards, Connecticut Department of Labor

Divya Demato CEO and Co-Founder, GoodOps

Divya Demato CEO and Co-Founder, GoodOps, a supply chain transformation company.


Jillian Gilchrist Former Chair, Connecticut Trafficking in Persons Council and recently elected CT State Representitive, District 18

Jillian Gilchrist Former Chair, Connecticut Trafficking in Persons Council and recently elected CT State Representitive, District 18