Stamp Out Hunger! Town Wide Food Drive for Neighbor to Neighbor Set for May 11

Saturday May 11 is Stamp Out Hunger, one of the largest food drives of the year for Neighbor to Neighbor. The nationwide event aims to bring communities together to end hunger.

Photo courtesy Neighbor to Neighbor

On the morning of May 11, leave a bag of non-perishable foods by your mailbox and your letter carrier will deliver it back to Neighbor to Neighbor.

Neighbor to Neighbor is in need of the following items: Canned proteins (tuna, spam, chicken), pasta, pasta sauce, canned or dried fruit, peanut butter, jelly, and cereal. If you wish, you can also donate new and unopened household items such as surface wipes, household cleaners, soaps, etc.

Please be mindful of expiration dates as Neighbor to Neighbor is unable to distribute
expired foods.

Neighbor to Neighbor is currently serving over 575 Greenwich households a week with food and essentials. The Stamp Out Hunger event will help the local food pantry prepare for the busy summer months.

If you will be out of town the week of the May 11, please consider donating through the Stamp Out Hunger Virtual Food Drive.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are available to donate and will promptly be delivered back to NTN.