Save the Date: Saturday Oct 14, at Island Beach parking lot, between 9:30am and 12:00noon for paper shredding!
Have your old documents shredded on-site.
The cost is $3 per box, cash only. Max 5 boxes per car.
Greenwich Residents only. Bring paper in cardboard or rigid boxes similar in size to case of wine box. Paper in bags cannot be accepted. Remove envelopes, folders, plastic bindings, metal clips (staples are ok).
Shredding provides many benefits:
• Safely destroys personal data on documents to help prevent identity theft.
• Paper shreds are recycled and re-manufactured into new products.
• Fewer trees are cut which allows the trees to continue to cool the earth, hold soil to prevent flooding and provide homes for wildlife.
This annual event is sponsored by The First Bank of Greenwich and Santaguida Sanitation who are committed to helping Greenwich residents keep personal data safe while contributing to a
healthier planet.
Shredding Day is organized by volunteers from Greenwich Recycling Advisory Board and Greenwich Green & Clean.
Email: [email protected],
Every box of paper shredded helps save a tree.