Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility, the dump, which opens at 7:00am, will stay open until 2:00pm again this Saturday, Aug 15 and next Saturday, Aug 22 to help residents who continue to clean up after Topical Storm Isaias.
On another note, the book swap remains closed, but a drop off bin has been set up for people to donate books.
“Be patient coming through,” said Patrick Collins, superintendent of Holly Holl. “Please respect social distancing and wear a mask.”
Starting July 1 the Town of Greenwich began requiring residents to have a permit to use the facility, as part of a new tipping fee system.
With the change, haulers are weighed in and weighed out and are billed based on their tonnage. Residents can hire a hauler or bring their own MSW and recycling to the dump.
Applications for the residential permits are now available for $25 annually on the Dept of Public Works page on the town’s website.
Click HERE for the residential permit application form.
But it is also possible to ask for a copy of the form at the dump. Look for one of the attendants and ask for a copy of the form.

All Greenwich residents and local businesses are eligible for a residential vehicle permit which can be obtained online or via mail. No waste from outside of Greenwich is allowed.
Vehicles must display a disposal permit decal to enter the facility beginning July 1.
More information on the Greenwich residential permits is available here.
For our Stamford readers, the City of Stamford will host an additional storm debris drop-off event on Saturday, August 22 at Scofieldtown Yard from 7:00am to 2:00pm. (located at the intersection of Rock Rimmon Road and Scofieldtown Road). Passenger vehicles only, no commercial trucks.
This storm debris drop-off and disposal is in addition to residents’ access to Stamford’s Transfer Station, where Stamford residents can dispose of storm debris for free. The Transfer Station is open Monday through Saturday, 6:00am to 2:00pm.