Flinn Gallery at Greenwich Library Announces “An Uncommon Planet”

The Flinn Gallery is pleased to announce its 4th show of the 2021-22 season, An Uncommon Planet.

The exhibition features the work of two photographers, Jonathan Pozniak of New York City and Eric Seplowitz of upstate New York, and is curated by Greenwich residents, Nancy Heller and Alexis Abram. Both photographers are interested in the natural world and depict its unique features from different perspectives.

Jonathan Pozniak captures the majestic beauty of expansive icebergs and aerial landscapes, while Eric Seplowitz explores small minerals and rocks formed over millions of years and reveals details that are invisible to the naked eye. Despite these differences in scale and perspective, the photographs transform into abstract patterns of shapes and colors that share much in common. Planned in conjunction with Earth Day, these photographs encourage us to take a closer look and appreciate the astounding beauty of our fragile and ever-changing planet.

Eric Seplowitz, Alluvial Fan, 2019, Chromogenic Print

Jonathan Pozniak grew up in Boston and gravitated to photography while a student at The Art Institute of Boston. After a formative year at the Paris Photographic Institute, he moved to New York City, where he established himself as a commercial photographer for the fashion and beauty industries.

His turning point and entry into the world of fine art and travel photography occurred in 2010 during a trip to Antarctica. Pozniak discovered a “natural paradise” that changed him as a person and began his quest to travel around the world to capture the mystical beauty of icebergs and the geological wonders of vast landscapes. His photographs speak to both the permanence and impermanence of our ever-changing world.

Eric Seplowitz, Icy Blue Cenote, 2017, Chromogenic Print

Raised in Stamford, Eric Seplowitz credits his junior curator experience at the Stamford Museum and Nature Center with sparking his interest in nature, outdoor education, and later photography. As a trained geologist, Eric turned his attention to rocks and minerals 5 years ago and created a body of work called UnEarthed, which is featured in An Uncommon Planet. Seplowitz uses a 50MP camera and macro lenses to achieve a depth of detail that one would rarely see. His photographs include single exposures as well as composite images created from hundreds of shots, each focused on a slightly different spot. The results yield colorful, abstract forms that are both beautiful and intriguing.

An opening reception will be held Thursday, March 24 from 6:00 to 8:00pm

Artist Talks
will take place in the Flinn Gallery from 2:00 – 3:00pm both days

Eric Seplowitz Saturday, April 2, 2:00 – 3:00pm

Come meet photographer Eric Seplowitz, and let him open your eyes to the magical qualities of rocks and minerals. Learn how he uses a 50MP camera, macro lens, and composite images to reveal colorful, abstract forms that are hidden just below the surface of natural gems we rarely notice. 

Jonathan Pozniak Saturday, April 23, 2:00 – 3:00pm 

Come celebrate Earth Day at the Flinn Gallery with photographer and world traveler, Jonathan Pozniak. Learn how a trip to Antarctica opened his eyes to the natural world and discover the mystical beauty of icebergs and aerial landscapes taken from vantage points you’ve likely never seen before.

Extended Hours: The gallery will be open until 6:00pm on Thursday, May 5 as part of the opening night of Art to The Avenue sponsored by the Greenwich Arts Council.

Art to the Avenue will run May 5-31, 2022.

Gallery hours are Monday-Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm, Thursdays 10:00am-8:00pm, and Sundays 1:00-5:00pm.

For more information, please visit www.flinngallery.com or email [email protected]