On Wednesday Western Middle School’s new principal Dr. PJ Wax, who took the helm at on July 1 following the retirement of Gordon Beinstein, had a novel idea: In honor of the new school year, he threw a New Year’s themed party for staff.
The day started off with heavy rain, but the clouds parted by late morning and it became a hot sunny day – just in time for a BBQ featuring hamburgers and hot dogs, chips, cookies and watermelon slices.

The grill was manned by Dr. Wax, with help from assistant principals Erin Montague and Suzanne Coyne.
Dr. Wax shared the impetus for the new tradition.
“I was talking to my wife about starting at a new school and a new year, and she thought I already had the right theme. A New Year’s celebration was the way to go,” Dr. Wax said. “My staff work hard throughout the year so I can flip some burgers to start the year – for them to enjoy.”
“I plan on doing this every year,” he added. “I’d love this to become a tradition every year.”
Dr. Wax, who lives in Wilton, has four children: two in college, a rising high school freshman and a fourth grader.
The lunch time event was not the first of the day at Western.
Seventh and eighth graders were scheduled to come in for school supplies at 4:30, and sixth graders were invited with their families for an ice cream social from 6:30 to 7:30pm.
Ms Trombetta, a sixth grade science teacher, said children with older siblings have some familiarity with the school, but others can be a bit nervous, and the traditional ice cream social is ice breaker of sorts.
“They toured the school in the spring but this is helpful, so tomorrow on the first day of school, the building will be familiar,” Trombetta said.
Good luck to all the WMS students: West side. Best side.

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