On Friday Mary Forde, Greenwich Schools Chief Pupil Personnel Services, emailed families of special education students to say all Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meetings and evaluations are canceled until Greenwich is advised by the State Education Dept about a new timeline.
She said the district learned from the State Education Dept that guidance on timelines for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 (prohibits discrimination against students with disabilities in special education in addition to other mental and physical impairments not identified under the IDEA) will come out next week. This will include PPTs (annual reviews, initials, consents, triennial planning, etc) and evaluations (review of PIPEs, initials and triennials).
“However, with that said, if you have a significant concern about your child’s IEP, please email the administrator at your school,” Forde wrote. “Please be prepared to describe your specific concerns or questions and then work with the administrator to see if they can be addressed or resolved without a meeting.”
Forde acknowledged families are having concerns and anxiety during the extended school closure and remote learning program.
“We can get through this together and will do our best for the benefit of the children (many of whom are having a very difficult time processing our new reality),” she wrote.