For the third year in a row, Greenwich Public Schools 8th Grade DC Trip Scholarship Fund and the Greenwich Alliance for Education are hosting “Dancing for DC,” a live music fundraiser on Friday, January 24 from 7:00-10:00pm at Old Greenwich Social Club.
The DC Trip Scholarship Fund raises money for the 8th Grade DC Trip, a decades-old, beloved capstone trip for Greenwich Public Schools’ 8th graders who cannot afford the $896 trip and need financial aid. During the 3 day, 2 night trip to Washington DC, students tour key US government locations, monuments, and museums such as Capitol Hill, the Capitol building, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, the Vietnam Memorial, the Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Museum of African American History and Culture, and more.
The trip directly corresponds to the GPS 8th Grade Social Studies curriculum and encourages a lifetime of civic engagement, not to mention provides a social emotional bonding experience for our GPS students before they head off to high school.
The entire Greenwich community is welcome to attend this fundraiser. Tickets are $50/person and all proceeds will go toward current and future scholarships for the 8th Grade DC Trip.
Musical guests Vicky Dussich & Friends will perform and there will be free appetizers and a cash bar. Click here to buy tickets:
If you can’t attend Dancing for DC, you can still support the DC Trip Scholarship Fund by purchasing raffle tickets for amazing prizes donated by local, generous businesses. Our Grand Prize this year is a private party for up to 40 people at Crush Table Tennis – a $1500 Value.
Second Prize is a 3 month membership to Equinox Gym – a $1000 value. Check out all of the fabulous prizes by clicking here and purchasing tickets. Buy 1 ticket for $10, 5 tickets for $45 or 10 tickets for $85. You do NOT have to be present at Dancing for DC to win any of the prizes!
Please consider patronizing the following wonderful businesses who made our raffle possible:
Old Greenwich Social Club ~ Crush Table Tennis ~ Equinox Greenwich ~ Tashography ~ M Squash ~ Kaia Yoga ~ New York Comedy Club ~ Pure Barre Rye Brook ~ Lacrosse Unlimited ~ Pretty Nails O.G. ~ Fjord Fish Market ~ Jauja Pet by Yanet ~ Bar Taco ~ Green & Tonic ~ Glenville Deli ~ Luca’s Pizza ~ Athena Books ~ Garden Catering ~ Arcuri’s Pizza
Finally, if you wish to make a general donation to the DC Trip scholarship fund, click here:
No donation is too small and every gift is appreciated and tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Thank you in advance for your support of the Greenwich Public Schools 8th Grade DC Trip.