The Silver Shield Foundation will hold its 5th Annual Greenwich Walk, in honor of the families of fallen heroes and all First Responders, taking place on Saturday, November 9, 2024, at Tod’s Point in Old Greenwich. Walkers will raise funds to support the organization’s core mission of providing scholarships for children and surviving spouses of Police Officers, Firefighters and EMS members killed in the line of duty.

Chief Operating Officer of the Silver Shield Foundation K.C. Fuchs; John Hodgens from the FDNY; New York Yankees senior VP of Corporate/Community Relations Brian Smith; New York Yankees senior VP of marketing Debbie Tymon; and Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo cut a ribbon to mark the start of the fourth annual Greenwich Walk. Nov 4, 2023 Photo: Leslie Yager
NBC Anchor Chuck Scarborough, who is also a Silver Shield Foundation Trustee will preside over the Opening Ceremony. Event Speakers will include Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo, Connecticut State Police Commander Colonel Daniel Loughman, New York City Police Department 1st Deputy Commissioner Tania Kinsella, and New York City Fire Department Commissioner Robert Tucker.
In attendance there will be representatives from many agencies, including the Greenwich Police Department, Greenwich Fire Department, New York City Police Department, New York City Fire Department, Connecticut, New York and New Jersey State Police, Suffolk County Police Department and Nassau County Police Department.
Also attending will be Silver Shield Foundation scholarship recipients and line of duty families. Over 125 walkers participated in last year’s event, raising $180,000 to advance Silver Shield’s mission.

A crowd of first responders and families gathered at Tod’s Point listened to Connecticut State Police Donna Sabourin, trooper first grade, sing God Bless America. Nov 4, 2023 Photo: Leslie Yager
Walkers are being asked to donate or raise a minimum of $100 for the event and can register, donate, or sponsor on the Silver Shield Foundation website at
Registration begins at 9:00am. The opening ceremony will begin at 10:00am, with the Walk kicking off at 10:30am. Rain or Shine
Since 1982, The Silver Shield Foundation has provided educational support and services for the children and surviving spouses of Police Officers, Firefighters and EMS members, killed in the line of duty.