DUI for Driver Asleep in the Middle of East Putnam Ave in Riverside

On Tuesday around 3:00am, Greenwich Police on routine patrol located a disabled vehicle on East Putnam Ave in Riverside with the driver passed out behind the wheel.

Police say Zachary Howard Friedman, 49, of Greenwich, was sleeping behind the wheel of the vehicle the observed to be disabled and parked in the middle of the roadway on East Putnam Ave.

According to the arrest report, officers had to wake Mr. Friedman who admitted to consuming alcohol during the night hours. He was unable to perform field sobriety tests to standard and was arrested.

He was charged with DUI, Failure to Drive in Proper Lane, Improper Parking and Operating Without a License.

His bond was set at $300 which he was able to post and he has a date in Stamford Superior Court on July 24, 2024.