Chabad Greenwich announces their Winter Mommy and Me program on Wednesdays, starting January 10 through March 13, for Music and Movement with Corey at Chabad’s 75 Mason Street location.
This is a fun filled dynamic morning of movement and music with children and Moms/ caregivers.
Together through imaginative creative movement and musical games, participants can build balance, coordination and develop motor skills while simultaneously stimulating imagination and the parent/child bond.
On Fridays from January 5 through March 15 they invite you to their weekly Friday Shabbat celebration with Bobby Doowah.
Children of all ages welcome up to 24 months. Siblings are welcome and encouraged (no charge for baby siblings that are escorting their brothers and sisters).
They will have a musical Shabbat filled with music, fun and dancing followed by lighting of the Shabbat candles, challah, grape juice and singing the beautiful Shabbat prayers.
These classes are a wonderful opportunity to do Music and Movement and welcome Shabbat in a warm and welcoming community where you can participate in music and movement with your children, have connectivity and build life long friendships while engaging in this rich Jewish community in the heart of Greenwich.
Register on the Chabad website.
Please register for our full session ($180- January – March) or one-off classes on the days that work for you ($25 per session).
Please contact Mommy and Me Director Andrea Lefkovits at [email protected] with questions.
Chabad looks forward to welcoming you and your child/ children.