Up to the minute Greenwich property transfers, June 30, 2021 transcribed from the assessor’s office at Greenwich Town Hall.

17 Cotswood Rd from Samuel and Holly Mokhiber to Lisa Golia on June 30, 2021 for $2,600,000

1031 North Street from Sandro Malagisi and Claudia Malagisi to Wilfred Daye on June 30, 2021 for $860,000

11 Anthony Place from Ross Kilroy and Sarah Alio to Luis Reformina on June 30, 2021 for $2,050,000

39 Hettiefred Rd from James Walsh to 39 Hettiefred Road LLC on June 30, 2021 for $1,245,000

18 Candlelight Place from John and Suzanne Vitale to Brian Bach on June 30, 2021 for $2,100,000
69 Riverdale Ave, #601 from Jessica Stockel to Alenoosh Avanessians on June 29, 2021 for $975,000

33 Sunshine Ave from 33 Sunshine Avenue LLC to Jennifer Knight on June 30, 2021 for $825,000

190 Stanwich Rd from Sarah Whittemore Trustee to Carolina Joyce on June 30, 2021 for $2,795,000

11 Kenilworth Terrace from Steven and Barbara Buffone to Scott Macon Trustee on June 30, 2021 for $4,641,000

29 Lauder Lane from Anne Wallace and David Juge to The 29 Lauder Lane Trust on June 30, 2021 for $3,650,000

5 Orchard Hill Lane from Gaston Bernstein to Evie Lee Langteau on June 30, 2021 for $1,142,500

6 Interlaken Rd from John Hay and Loretta Lacci to Sandro Malagisi on June 30, 2021 for $2,400,000