The Dept of Parks & Recreation, Parks & Trees division issued a notice about a public hearing on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 1:00pm concerning the removal of trees on Oval Ave, Sound Shore Drive, Arch Street and Summit and Sound Beach Avenue.
The tree warden shared a link to information on Eversource’s website on “Why Eversource Trims Trees“
Ensuring safe, reliable electric service requires thoughtful, professional tree trimming around our power lines
Whether you live in the country or along a shady street, trees are one of the best features about living in New England. Trees are an important part of our community – helping to beautify the neighborhoods we call home.
However, trees are also the leading cause of power outages in New England—especially during stormy weather. Every year, tree limbs, branches and roots come in contact with the thousands of miles of electric power lines Eversource maintains–damaging equipment and causing public safety hazards.
Click the link below to view,listen and/or participate in the meeting.
Passcode: 5719574
Or listen and/or participate in the meeting by calling the following:
By telephone: 1-646-518-9805
Webinar ID: 894 5173 8314
Passcode: 5719574